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What do Participants Think About the Birth Project?

"I can't express enough how great the course was for me. The course leader, Anna Wilsby Frisk, was fantastic! I went from being extremely scared of childbirth in EVERY aspect to almost looking forward to it in less than a couple of hours! It's priceless. I didn't think it was possible to overcome fear so quickly, especially since I've been trying to dispel all worries throughout pregnancy without success, only making it worse. It was almost like magic what the course achieved in such a short time. I haven't given birth yet, but I'm actually looking forward to experiencing it. :-)" Emma

"As a midwife with years of experience in delivery, I was a bit worried that the course wouldn't align with the "reality" I see in childbirth. I didn't need to worry! My partner and I were pleasantly surprised by the course. We received many useful tools to practice at home before childbirth. My partner feels empowered as a coach, and both of us feel more prepared and united for the big event. A big thanks for a very good course that I will warmly recommend!"

"Overall, a very good course according to both me and my partner. Good with lots of practical exercises and a walkthrough of the childbirth process. No nonsense, for which we are grateful! :o)"

"I have never been so satisfied with a course, and I know my partner feels the same way. We have recommended "The Birth Project" to our midwife so that she can spread information about the course. The course leader was excellent, and it has been very educational and reassuring to attend the course. We feel well-prepared for childbirth!"

"As a lesbian couple, we greatly appreciated that the course leader used "partner," "coach," and other gender-neutral terms instead of referring to "man" and/or "dad," something we unfortunately encounter in other contexts within healthcare. We are very satisfied with the course and will strongly recommend it to other expecting parents."

"We feel excited about childbirth after the course and have gained tools to handle the pain. The course leader was fantastically competent and taught in a positive and inspiring way. I would truly recommend friends to take the course with you! Thank you! // Soon-to-be parents of two"

"Fantastic course with an incredibly engaging, competent, and charismatic course leader who is exceptionally good at keeping ourĀ enthusiasm up throughout the course! Information, tips, and advice are mixed with exercises, personal experiences, and insightful examples. Serious and professional elements are combined with humorous and relaxing moments. I will recommend everyone I know to take this course. For the first time in 7 months, I feel excited and ready for childbirth instead of nervous and scared. That feeling is priceless and will undoubtedly impact the birth - I'm convinced of it. Thank you!" - Anna and Carl

"I was ordered to bed rest by my doctor, so we couldn't attend a regular course. We had a good experience with the online course, which we found to be just the right length, clear, and concrete. An advantage was that you could completely control the pace of the course yourself." - Gƶrel and Meta

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